Database of Disordered Zeolite Structures
Measured Powder Pattern for EU-20b

Data details
Data supplied by
Bernd Marler
Institute of Geology, Mineralogy and Geophysics, Ruhr University Bochum, Germany
Data collection
Special condition: sample in glass capillary
Instrument used: Siemens D5000 with Johansson Ge(111) monochromator
Detector: Braun OED
Radiation: monchromatic
Wavelength: 1.540600Å
The disordered structure of silica zeolite EU-20b, obtained by topotactic condensation of the piperazinium containing layer silicate EU-19
Microporous Mesoporous Mater.,90,87–101 (2006)
Material description
EU-20b was prepared by heating layered silicate EU-19 at 1000 °C. Sample contains a small amount of MTN-type zeolite
  Chemical composition: [Si - O]
Diffration data for EU-20b as a text file
Change wavelength for database XRD pattern
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